CVE-2023-24861 - Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability: Understanding, Detecting, and Mitigating Risks

A new vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2023-24861, has been discovered in the Windows Graphics Component orbit, potentially granting an attacker Elevation of Privilege (EoP) capabilities on affected systems. EoP vulnerabilities enable an attacker to take advantage of existing weaknesses to increase their privileges and gain higher access levels within a system. In this case, CVE-2023-24861 targets the Graphics Component subsystem, which is responsible for rendering content on the screen and managing graphical elements.

This article delves into the details of CVE-2023-24861, including its origin, how it can be exploited, and best practices for mitigating its risks. We will also provide code snippets and pointers to original references to help you understand and detect this vulnerability in your systems.

Origins of CVE-2023-24861

The vulnerability was first identified by cybersecurity researchers who discovered a significant flaw in a specific Windows Graphics Component function. This function was responsible for rendering content, but contained an issue that could lead to escalation of privileges for a malicious user - putting the entire system at risk.

Link to original reference: (

Exploit Details

The CVE-2023-24861 vulnerability is primarily a result of improper handling of objects in memory within the Graphics Component subsystem. Attackers can exploit this flaw in the subsystem by running a specific set of crafted instructions that force it to incorrectly manage memory operations. Ultimately, this can lead to arbitrary code execution with higher privileges, granting the attacker more control than usual.

A sample code snippet that demonstrates how an attacker might use this vulnerability to escalate privileges:

// Example exploit for CVE-2023-24861
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Crafted instructions to improperly handle memory operations
    // leading to Elevation of Privilege

    // Execute crafted instructions

    // Check if privilege escalation is successful

    return ;

Link to publicly available exploit: (

Detection and Mitigation

To protect your systems from this EoP vulnerability, it is crucial to follow best practices for securing your Windows environment. These include:

1. Applying security updates from Microsoft as soon as they are available - this is the most effective means of mitigating CVE-2023-24861.
  Link to Microsoft Security Update: (
2. Regularly performing security audits and vulnerability scans to ensure no critical vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2023-24861, are present in your systems.

3. Employing Application Control or AppLocker which allow only approved, trusted applications to execute, to prevent attackers from running malicious code.

4. Ensuring that users have the least privileges necessary to perform their tasks, hindering any potential EoP attacks.

5. Using Network Segmentation to restrict the movement of an attacker within the network, limiting the potential impact of a successful exploit.


CVE-2023-24861 presents a severe Elevation of Privilege vulnerability in the Windows Graphics Component subsystem. Prompt detection and mitigation of this threat are crucial for safeguarding the integrity and security of your systems. By staying informed about this vulnerability, applying security updates, and following best practices for securing your Windows environment, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this exploit.

Stay secure and continue to invest in the protection of your systems to safeguard against vulnerabilities such as CVE-2023-24861.


Published on: 03/14/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 03/23/2023 16:55:00 UTC