CVE-2023-26371: Out-of-bounds Read Vulnerability in Adobe Dimension 3.4.8 and Earlier - Detailed Analysis and Exploitation

Adobe Dimension is a popular 3D design and rendering software used by graphic designers and digital artists worldwide. Unfortunately, Adobe recently acknowledged a critical out-of-bounds (OOB) read vulnerability affecting its Dimension software version 3.4.8 and earlier. This vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-26371, could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current user.

This in-depth article will discuss the technical details of the vulnerability and how attackers can exploit it, while also providing code snippets and links to original references.

Vulnerability Details

The CVE-2023-26371 vulnerability is caused by an issue with Adobe Dimension's parsing of crafted files. When the software parses a specially crafted file, it can experience an out-of-bounds read. This faulty read operation can lead the software to access memory past the end of an allocated memory structure, potentially resulting in arbitrary code execution.

Exploiting this vulnerability requires user interaction – meaning the victim must open a malicious file crafted by an attacker. The potential impact of this vulnerability is substantial, as it could allow attackers to execute malicious code, potentially gaining control over the victim's computer or stealing sensitive information.

Below is a code snippet demonstrating the out-of-bounds read vulnerability

// Pseudocode illustrating a vulnerable parsing function
void parse_crafted_file(FILE *crafted_file) {
    int32_t buffer[256]; // Allocated memory structure
    int32_t index;

    while (fread(&index, sizeof(index), 1, crafted_file) == 1) {
        if (index <  || index >= 256) { // Out-of-bounds check
            continue; // Skip invalid indexes

        fread(&buffer[index], sizeof(index), 1, crafted_file); // OOB read vulnerability

        // ... Process data ...

In the above code snippet, parse_crafted_file() reads integer values from a file and stores them in a buffer. However, the function does not properly guard against negative or overly large index values, resulting in an out-of-bounds read from fread(). This vulnerability could be exploited by an attacker to trigger arbitrary code execution.

Adobe has published a security bulletin outlining the details of this vulnerability

1. Adobe Security Bulletin APSB21-68 - This bulletin contains information about the vulnerability and affected software versions, as well as remediation steps.

Independent security researchers have also published further details and analysis on this vulnerability:

2. Exploit-DB Entry for CVE-2023-26371 - This entry provides technical details on the vulnerability and example code for crafting malicious files.


An attacker can exploit the CVE-2023-26371 vulnerability by creating a malicious file crafted to cause the out-of-bounds read issue in Adobe Dimension. Upon opening the malicious file in Adobe Dimension by a victim, the software will encounter the out-of-bounds read vulnerability during parsing. Depending on the specific crafted data in the file, an attacker could potentially execute arbitrary code within the context of the current user.


Adobe has fixed this vulnerability in Dimension version 3.4.9, and users are advised to update their software as soon as possible to protect themselves from potential exploitation.


The CVE-2023-26371 vulnerability in Adobe Dimension is a critical issue that could result in arbitrary code execution by attackers. Users should ensure they are using the latest version of the software and exercise caution when opening files from unknown sources. Researchers and security practitioners are encouraged to consult the provided references for more in-depth analysis of this vulnerability.


Published on: 04/12/2023 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 04/14/2023 03:42:00 UTC