CVE-2023-29334 - Critical Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Spoofing Vulnerability Leaves Millions of Users at Risk

In this detailed and informative post, we'll be discussing a recently discovered serious vulnerability in the widely used Microsoft Edge web browser (Chromium-based). This critical vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-29334, allows an attacker to spoof a seemingly legitimate website, potentially putting millions of unsuspecting users at risk. We'll dive into the intricacies of how the vulnerability works, take a look at a code snippet to give you a better understanding, and then provide all the valuable references and exploit details you'll need to grasp this dangerous vulnerability.

Understanding the Vulnerability

By exploiting this critical vulnerability, attackers can falsify website addresses in the address bar, giving the appearance of a legitimate website when, in reality, users are visiting an attacker's malicious site. This trickery can be incredibly detrimental to users who trust the legitimacy of the site, possibly providing attackers with sensitive information such as login credentials, financial information, or personal data.

As the vulnerability exists within the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser, users of Chrome, Opera, and other Chromium-based browsers may also be exposed to this threat.

Code Snippet: A Glimpse at the Vulnerability

To demonstrate how this spoofing vulnerability can be exploited, here's a simplified example. Note that specific details have been omitted intentionally to avoid enabling malicious activities.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    function exploit() {
      // Code to manipulate the vulnerable Edge browser
      // Changing the address bar to display the spoofed website URL
<body onload="exploit()">
  <h1>Welcome to the Malicious Website</h1>
  <p>Acting as a legitimate website, this page actually steals your sensitive information!</p>

In the above code snippet, the exploit() function serves to exploit the vulnerable Microsoft Edge browser. When a user visits this malicious website, the exploit() function is executed, causing a spoofed URL to be displayed in the browser's address bar instead of the actual malicious site URL.

Original References and Exploit Details

For a more comprehensive understanding of CVE-2023-29334, please refer to the following sources and advisories:

Microsoft Advisory: Microsoft has published an official advisory regarding this vulnerability

Link: Security Advisory CVE-2023-29334

2. CVE Detail: The CVE database contains details about the vulnerability, its severity, and any related updates:
  Link: CVE-2023-29334 Detail

3. Exploit Database: The Exploit Database (Exploit-DB) stores public exploits and proof-of-concepts relating to CVE-2023-29334:
  Link: CVE-2023-29334 Exploit Details

Please note that attempting to exploit this vulnerability without permission is illegal and unethical. The provided information is for educational purposes and raising awareness.


As spoofing vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-29334 can put unsuspecting users at great risk, it is crucial to stay informed and updated. This particular vulnerability highlights the importance of keeping your software up-to-date, as it affects a popular platform (Microsoft Edge) that many users rely upon as their primary web browser.

Always ensure that your browsers and operating systems are updated with the latest patches available. Be vigilant when browsing the internet and avoid clicking on unverified links. Stay safe, and happy browsing!


Published on: 04/28/2023 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 04/28/2023 18:25:00 UTC