CVE-2023-29552: Exploiting the Service Location Protocol (SLP, RFC 2608) Vulnerability for Denial-of-Service Attacks

In the world of cybersecurity, the ever-evolving threat landscape demands constant vigilance and a proactive approach to identify and address vulnerabilities. One such vulnerability is the CVE-2023-29552. This security flaw exists within the Service Location Protocol (SLP, RFC 2608) and provides an unauthenticated, remote attacker the ability to register arbitrary services, potentially leading to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack with a significant amplification factor. In this post, we'll discuss the exploit details, provide code snippets, and review the original references that provide valuable insights into this vulnerability.

Background and Exploit Details

The Service Location Protocol (SLP) is a network service discovery protocol that enables computers and other devices to find services within a local area network (LAN) without prior knowledge of the network's structure. It automates the process of discovering and registering services and reduces the need for manual configuration. However, the CVE-2023-29552 vulnerability allows a remote attacker to exploit the SLP's functionality, opening the door for potential denial-of-service attacks through spoofed UDP traffic.

The main issue lies in the fact that the SLP protocol doesn't require authentication for service registration, making it possible for an attacker to spoof the IP address of a legitimate service and register a fake service. This, in turn, can result in an amplification factor that can cause traffic to be redirected, overwhelming the targeted system and potentially causing it to crash.

Code Snippet

Here's a simple Python code snippet that demonstrates how an attacker might exploit the SLP vulnerability:

import socket

SLP_PORT = 427
SLP_REQUEST = b'\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

def exploit(target_ip, spoofed_ip):
    ip_header = create_ip_header(spoofed_ip, target_ip)
    udp_header = create_udp_header(SLP_PORT)
    packet = ip_header + udp_header + SLP_REQUEST

    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW) as s:
        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
        s.sendto(packet, (target_ip, ))

def create_ip_header(spoofed_ip, target_ip):
    # ... Code to create an IP header with the given spoofed IP and target IP.

def create_udp_header(port):
    # ... Code to create a UDP header with the given port.

# Example usage:
exploit('', '')

In this example, the exploit() function sends a malformed SLP request to the target IP with a spoofed IP address. When the target system receives the packet, it treats it as a legitimate SLP request and attempts to register the fake service, potentially starting a chain reaction that could result in a DoS attack.

Original References

For more information on the CVE-2023-29552 vulnerability and the SLP protocol, please refer to the following original references:

- The official CVE-2023-29552 entry on the MITRE website:
- The Internet Engineering Task Force's RFC 2608, which defines the Service Location Protocol:


The CVE-2023-29552 vulnerability exposes a critical flaw in the design of the Service Location Protocol that opens it up to exploitation by unauthenticated, remote attackers. By spoofing UDP traffic and registering arbitrary services, attackers could potentially launch devastating denial-of-service attacks, disrupting targeted systems and networks.

In order to minimize the risk of exploitation, it's essential for developers and network administrators to stay vigilant and informed on the latest security updates and patches, provided by their respective vendors. Additionally, consider reviewing your network infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities and implement best practices for security and threat prevention.


Published on: 04/25/2023 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 05/04/2023 19:07:00 UTC