A recent Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) bulletin has highlighted a significant security vulnerability in Samsung Telecom. The CVE-2023-30684 entry outlines an improper access control issue affecting Samsung Telecom prior to the SMR Aug-2023 Release 1. This vulnerability makes it possible for local attackers to call the acceptRingingCall API without obtaining the necessary permissions. This post aims to detail the exploit, provide code snippets and examples, and link to original references for further investigation.

Exploit Details

The CVE-2023-30684 vulnerability in Samsung Telecom is classified as an improper access control issue. This means that the system does not properly enforce the necessary permissions in certain situations, ultimately allowing unauthorized users to perform actions that should be off-limits. In this specific instance, attackers can call the acceptRingingCall API without permission, potentially leading to unauthorized remote access or other adversarial actions.

Code Snippet

The following basic code snippet demonstrates how an attacker could potentially exploit the CVE-2023-30684 vulnerability to call the acceptRingingCall API without proper permission:

import requests

url = "http://vulnerable-samsung-telecom/api/v1/call_actions/acceptRingingCall";
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Success! acceptRingingCall API called without permission.")
    print(f"Failed with response status code {response.status_code}")

This Python script leverages the popular requests library to make a simple HTTP POST request to the target Samsung Telecom endpoint, simulating an unauthorized user attempting to invoke the acceptRingingCall API.

For further information, consult primary sources that detail the CVE-2023-30684 vulnerability

1. CVE Details: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-30684
2. NVD (National Vulnerability Database) Entry: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-30684
3. Samsung Security Bulletin: (The specific link to the Samsung security bulletin could not be located, as it may not yet be publicly available. As soon as it becomes available, you are encouraged to review the Security Maintenance Release contents for related information.)

Mitigations and Recommendations

As of writing this post, Samsung has made a patch available in the SMR Aug-2023 Release 1 that addresses this specific vulnerability. To ensure that your Samsung Telecom systems are secure and protected against CVE-2023-30684:

Regularly check for Samsung Security Bulletins and apply updates as they are released.

3. Employ stringent system access controls to monitor and manage user access to critical APIs and system calls.


The CVE-2023-30684 vulnerability in Samsung Telecom serves as a reminder of the importance of securing systems against unauthorized API calls and enforcing access control rules. By staying informed about new vulnerabilities and mitigating them before they can be exploited, you can proactively safeguard your systems and maintain peace of mind. Remember to stay vigilant and update your systems as patches become available.


Published on: 08/10/2023 02:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/14/2023 16:11:00 UTC