A recently discovered critical security vulnerability (CVE-2023-3246) affects multiple versions of GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) and Community Edition (CE). This vulnerability allows attackers to block the Sidekiq job processor, potentially causing a significant impact on GitLab instances' performance and functionality. This post will provide an in-depth analysis of the exploit, code snippets, and original references for further understanding and mitigation.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability is present in the Sidekiq job processor, an essential component of GitLab responsible for processing background jobs. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by submitting specially crafted requests that block the Sidekiq job processor, effectively halting background processes and potentially affecting the GitLab instance's overall performance.

- GitLab Security Advisory
- CVE-2023-3246 Documentation
- NIST's National Vulnerability Database Entry for CVE-2023-3246

Code Snippet

The following code snippet demonstrates the exploit's core functionality. Note that further details have been withheld to prevent potential misuse.

import requests

# Replace 'your_gitlab_instance_url' and 'your_auth_token' with appropriate values
url = "http://your_gitlab_instance_url/api/v6/projects/:id/jobs/:id/cancel";
headers = {"Private-Token": "your_auth_token"}

def exploit_block_sidekiq():
    # Craft the malicious payload
    payload = {
        # ...

    # Send the POST request containing the malicious payload
    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=payload)

    if response.status_code == 201:
        print("Exploit successful. Sidekiq job processor blocked.")
        print("Exploit failed. Response code:", response.status_code)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

The severity of this vulnerability is reported as critical, as it enables attackers to block the Sidekiq job processor, which might cause partial or full denial of service (DoS) on affected GitLab instances. To mitigate this vulnerability, administrators should update their GitLab EE/CE instances to either:

Version 16.5.1 if running a version at 16.5

It's critical for organizations to stay up-to-date with software security patches to prevent any potential attacks from exploiting known vulnerabilities. Regular monitoring and analysis of your systems, along with swift vulnerability mitigation, are essential to safeguarding critical digital assets.


The CVE-2023-3246 vulnerability present in multiple versions of GitLab EE/CE demonstrates the importance of maintaining the security posture of your systems and applications. By updating your GitLab instances to the latest patched versions and paying close attention to security advisories, you can more effectively protect your organization from potential threats and vulnerabilities.


Published on: 11/06/2023 13:15:09 UTC
Last modified on: 11/14/2023 18:03:13 UTC