CVE-2023-33264 - Unmasked Passwords Discovered in Hazelcast Configuration Routines

A recently disclosed vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2023-33264, has been identified in the widely-used Hazelcast in-memory data grid platform. Older versions ranging from 5..4, 5.1 through 5.1.6, and 5.2 through 5.2.3 are affected. The vulnerability stems from configuration routines that fail to mask passwords in the member configuration properly, allowing Hazelcast Management Center users to view certain confidential information. This article will discuss the origin, potential exploit details, and workarounds for this vulnerability.

Description and Impact

Hazelcast is an in-memory data grid platform that powers many modern applications with its distributed data management and processing capabilities. One critical aspect of this platform is its member configuration that dictates the settings for each node within the Hazelcast cluster. The member configuration contains crucial information, such as passwords, which should be kept private from other users.

Due to a security oversight in the aforementioned versions of Hazelcast, password masking is not implemented correctly, exposing passwords to users within the Hazelcast Management Center. This could potentially lead to unauthorized access or configuration modifications. What's more concerning is that an attacker with privileged access could pivot further and compromise additional systems on the network.

Exploit Details

There are no known exploits for this vulnerability in the wild, but the following code snippet demonstrates how credentials could be leaked during member configuration:

import com.hazelcast.config.Config;
import com.hazelcast.config.GroupConfig;
import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast;
import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance;

public class CVE-2023-33264 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Config config = new Config();
        GroupConfig groupConfig = config.getGroupConfig();

        HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);

        // ...Further application code...

In the above code, the password "unmaskedPassword" is set for the exampleGroup's member configuration, but it's not appropriately masked due to a vulnerability in the Hazelcast implementation at this point.

More information about the vulnerability can be found in the following original references

1. Hazelcast's GitHub issue (#20853) discussing the leak of passwords in the member Configuration
2. CVE-2023-33264 listed on the NIST National Vulnerability Database

To mitigate the risk associated with CVE-2023-33264, users are advised to take the following steps

1. Upgrade to the latest versions of Hazelcast (5..5, 5.1.7, or 5.2.4 and beyond) that contain security fixes for the vulnerability.
2. Restrict access to the Hazelcast Management Center by implementing strict access control and user management policies.
3. Regularly monitor and audit logs and user activity within the Hazelcast Management Center for any anomalies or signs of unauthorized access.


CVE-2023-33264 is a critical vulnerability that exposes private information in Hazelcast's member configuration. Understanding the exploit details and implementing suggested remediation steps will help defend your system against potential attacks. Ensure to stay updated and maintain a secure environment by using the latest software versions, adhering to best security practices, and performing regular audits to prevent future compromises.


Published on: 05/22/2023 01:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 06/02/2023 17:41:00 UTC