Valve Counter-Strike, an incredibly popular first-person shooter video game, has received a large amount of attention from gamers, developers, and security researchers alike. While immense attention has been given to optimizing performance and improving gameplay aspects, it is equally important to address and remedy any security vulnerabilities that may arise. In this long read, we'll investigate a new vulnerability discovered in version 8684, identified as CVE-2023-38312.

Vulnerability Description

CVE-2023-38312 reveals a directory traversal vulnerability in Valve Counter-Strike 8684, affecting game servers with remote control access enabled. Such a vulnerability allows an attacker to access and read arbitrary files from the server's underlying file system using the motdfile console variable. Notably, this can lead to the exposure of sensitive data and configuration files, leaving the server at an increased risk of compromise, and causing potential harm to both server administrators and connected clients.

Exploit Details

The directory traversal vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker who has remote control access to a game server. By manipulating the motdfile console variable, the attacker can specify a file path outside of the intended directory, reaching other parts of the file system. Below is a code snippet demonstrating how an attacker could potentially exploit this vulnerability:

// Assuming the attacker has remote control access
motdfile "../../../../etc/passwd";

In this example, the attacker attempts to access the /etc/passwd file, which contains vital Unix user account information. The file path uses directory traversal notation (../../../) to move up through the file hierarchy, ultimately reaching the desired file. The game server will then process the command and return the contents of /etc/passwd if it successfully navigated the directories.

To better understand the impact of this vulnerability within the context of Valve Counter-Strike, please refer to the vulnerability's original disclosure:
Original Reference

Mitigation Strategies

To prevent attackers from exploiting the CVE-2023-38312 vulnerability, server administrators are advised to employ the following mitigation strategies:

1. Update to the latest version: It is always important to keep software up-to-date. Make sure to regularly check for and install any available updates or patches that may address security vulnerabilities.

2. Restrict remote control access: Limit the number of clients with remote control access to your game server. Only provide remote access to trusted individuals, and ensure the proper authentication mechanisms are used.

3. Disable the motdfile console variable: As a temporary mitigation strategy, consider disabling the motdfile console variable on your game server. Bear in mind that this may affect functionality and should not be viewed as a long-term solution.


The discovery of the CVE-2023-38312 vulnerability highlights the need for ongoing security analysis and swift mitigation within the world of online gaming. Ensuring that Valve Counter-Strike and similar titles remain secure from potential attacks is vital—both to the integrity and safety of connected clients and the stability of the game server itself. As technology progresses and games evolve, let's commit to staying ahead of potential threats and making online gaming environments safe spaces for all.


Published on: 10/15/2023 19:15:09 UTC
Last modified on: 10/19/2023 14:18:26 UTC