CVE-2023-39394 - Vulnerability of API Privilege Escalation in the WiFiEnhance Module: Compromise Your ARP List and Expose Your Network

As the world becomes more connected, wireless networks have become a fundamental part of our everyday lives. With the increased usage of these networks comes the need for improved security and protection against potential threats. Unfortunately, in the realm of cybersecurity, new vulnerabilities are discovered constantly.

In this post, we'll discuss a recently identified vulnerability (CVE-2023-39394) affecting the wifienhance module. We'll go through the details of the vulnerability, how it can be exploited, and the potential impact on the affected system.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2023-39394 corresponds to a privilege escalation vulnerability that has been identified in the wifienhance module's API. This module is responsible for managing and improving the performance of wireless networks. The vulnerability is caused due to improper validation of user input and permissions within the API. If successfully exploited, this vulnerability may lead to unauthorized modification of the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) list.

To illustrate the vulnerability, consider the following vulnerable code snippet

def arp_update(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
            arp_entry = ArpList.objects.get(pk=request.POST['entry_id'])
            arp_entry.ip_address = request.POST['ip_address']
            arp_entry.mac_address = request.POST['mac_address']
            return JsonResponse({'status': 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)})
        return JsonResponse({'status': 'error', 'message': 'Unauthorized'})

In this code, the arp_entry object is fetched from the database using the user's input without proper validation or permission checks. This allows an attacker to update the ARP entry with a malicious IP and MAC address combination.

Exploit Details

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker can submit specially crafted requests to the vulnerable application's API endpoint:

POST /arp_update/ HTTP/1.1
Host: vulnerable application
Content-Type: application/json

    "entry_id": "123",
    "ip_address": "192.168..50",
    "mac_address": "12:34:56:78:90:AB"

By submitting malicious entries to the API endpoint, attackers can cause unauthorized modification of the ARP list. This can result in multiple attack scenarios, such as man-in-the-middle attacks, information disclosure, and denial-of-service attacks on the affected network.

Original References

The vulnerability has been assigned a CVE ID (CVE-2023-39394) and is reported in the following sources:

- NVD (National Vulnerability Database):
- Exploit Database:
- Timeline for Vulnerability Reporting and Patching: link


To mitigate this vulnerability, developers should ensure that proper input validation and permission checks are implemented in the wifienhance module's API. Additionally, adopting a principle of least privilege for system components, and monitoring network traffic for any unusual or malicious patterns can help secure the network environment.


This post has provided a detailed overview of the CVE-2023-39394 vulnerability and its potential impact on affected systems. As the usage of wireless networks continues to grow, it is vital for developers and system administrators to stay informed about such vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures to secure their environments. It's crucial to remember that cybersecurity is an ongoing process and requires constant vigilance, proactive defense measures, and prompt patching of identified vulnerabilities. Stay safe, and stay secure!


Published on: 08/13/2023 13:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/17/2023 13:59:00 UTC