A recently discovered security vulnerability (CVE-2023-42328) exists in the PeppermintLabs' Peppermint software prior to version .2.4. This issue potentially allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information and execute arbitrary code via the hardcoded session cookie. As always, it is crucial to stay updated and be aware of the risks associated with using outdated software versions. In this post, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the issue, along with details about how it can be exploited, links to original references, and potential remediations.


PeppermintLabs' Peppermint is a software designed to provide a user-friendly, customizable platform for developers to build their applications. The software's security flaw, classified as CVE-2023-42328, is related to the hardcoded session cookie, which is inadvertently revealing sensitive data and enabling the execution of arbitrary code.

The following is an example of the vulnerable code

import hashlib
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)
SECRET_KEY = "hardcoded_cookie_secret"

@app.route("/login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
    session_cookie = hashlib.sha256(SECRET_KEY.encode()).hexdigest()
    user_input = request.form["password"]


In this code snippet, the SECRET_KEY is hardcoded within the application, which poses a significant security risk, as attackers can easily obtain this key and gain unauthorized access to the application.

Exploit Details

An attacker may target the hardcoded session cookie vulnerability by first identifying the vulnerable software version. Afterward, they can remotely intercept the session cookie and decode it using tools such as hashcat or John the Ripper. Here's how the attack can proceed:

Identify the target Peppermint instance's version.

2. Confirm that the target is vulnerable by using publicly available vulnerability databases or performing manual tests.
3. Obtain the session cookie, likely through network traffic interception using tools such as Wireshark or a MitM (Man-in-the-Middle) attack.
4. Decode the session cookie using existing tools and gain access to sensitive information and execute arbitrary code.

For further details and more information on the CVE-2023-42328 vulnerability, you can check the following resources:

1. NIST National Vulnerability Database – CVE-2023-42328
2. GitHub Advisory (PeppermintLabs)

Mitigation and Next Steps

If you are using Peppermint v..2.4 or earlier, it is crucial to take the following steps to protect your application and its users:

1. Update to the latest Peppermint version, as the issue has likely been resolved in subsequent releases.

Ensure that your session cookies are no longer hardcoded and implement unique secrets for each user.

3. Apply additional protective measures, such as encrypting session information and using secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS/SSL).


The CVE-2023-42328 vulnerability exposes sensitive data and allows remote code execution. As such, it is important to update your Peppermint installation to the newest version and implement adequate security practices to minimize the risk. Stay informed, and prioritize the protection of your applications and users.


Published on: 09/18/2023 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/21/2023 17:48:00 UTC