CVE-2023-4581 - Excel ".xll" Add-In Files Exploitable in Firefox and Thunderbird with Absent Blocklist Entry

As a part of the ongoing efforts to secure the web browsing and email experience for users, web browsers and email clients often maintain an executable blocklist to protect users from downloading potentially harmful files. Recently, it has come to light that a security vulnerability exists in Firefox and Thunderbird due to the absence of a blocklist entry for Excel ".xll" add-in files. This vulnerability, designated as CVE-2023-4581, allows for the downloading of these files without warning users of the potential risks associated with them.

Exploit Details

As a result of this vulnerability, threat actors can craft seemingly legitimate websites and emails that contain a malicious Excel ".xll" add-in file. When a user attempts to download such a file using one of the affected versions of Firefox or Thunderbird, they won't be presented with any warnings or notifications about the potential risks associated with the file. Consequently, the user may install these malicious add-ins in their Excel software, resulting in compromise of their system or leakage of sensitive information.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Example of Malicious .xll Download</title>
<h1>Click the link below to download the Excel add-in:</h1>
<p><a href=""; download="malicious_file.xll">Download Add-In</a></p>


Mozilla has released updates to Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird, which address this vulnerability by adding the necessary blocklist entry for Excel ".xll" add-in files. Users are advised to update their software to the latest versions:

Update to Thunderbird 102.15, 115.2 or later

For more information on this vulnerability and the recommended actions, please consult the official security advisory from Mozilla:

- Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2023-01

It is also advisable for users to practice safe downloading habits, such as verifying the source and reviewing file extensions before downloading any files.


The absence of the Excel ".xll" add-in files blocklist entry in affected versions of Firefox and Thunderbird presents a security vulnerability that can be exploited by malicious actors. Updating the software to the latest versions and practicing safe downloading habits are essential to protecting your system and sensitive information. Stay vigilant and keep your software up-to-date to lessen the potential impact of any future vulnerabilities.


Published on: 09/11/2023 09:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/14/2023 03:52:00 UTC