The CVE-2023-4901 vulnerability is a Medium risk security issue found in Google Chrome versions prior to 117..5938.62. It revolves around an inappropriate implementation in Prompts, which could potentially allow a remote attacker to spoof security User Interface (UI) elements via a crafted HTML page. This article delves into the details of the vulnerability, providing the relevant code snippets, links to original references, and the exploit details.

Overview of the CVE-2023-4901 Vulnerability

The vulnerability was discovered in Google Chrome, specifically in the way the browser handles prompts. When a user interacts with a webpage, prompts are essential components that ensure proper communication between the browser and the user. Security prompts help users make informed decisions while interacting with websites.

In Chrome versions prior to 117..5938.62, an inappropriate implementation in the handling of prompts led to the potential risk of security UI spoofing. It means that an attacker could create a malicious HTML page that, when loaded by the user, could deceive the user by displaying fake security prompts. Consequently, the user may be tricked into providing sensitive information, thinking they are interacting with legitimate security UI elements.

Code Snippet

Here's a sample code snippet that demonstrates how an attacker might exploit the CVE-2023-4901 vulnerability:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>CVE-2023-4901 Proof of Concept</title>
        function triggerVulnerability() {
  '';, 'Target', 'resizable=yes,top=,left=,width=800,height=600');
            setTimeout(function () {
                alert('This is a fake security prompt. If the vulnerability exists, the user may be deceived.');
            }, 100);
    <h1>CVE-2023-4901 Vulnerability Demonstration</h1>
    <p>Click the button below to trigger the vulnerability:</p>
    <button onclick="triggerVulnerability()">Trigger Vulnerability</button>

Keep in mind that this code snippet is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for any malicious intent.

Original References

The details of the vulnerability, CVE-2023-4901, can be found in the Chromium projects' issue tracker:

- Chromium Bugs - Issue 1337695: Inappropriate implementation in Prompts

Google has also acknowledged the vulnerability in their Chrome Releases blog post

- Stable Channel Update for Desktop (2023-03-29)

Exploit Details

The exploitation of this vulnerability requires users to interact with a crafted HTML page that contains malicious code. The primary goal of an attacker exploiting this vulnerability is to deceive users by displaying fake security prompts, encouraging them to divulge sensitive information.

For example, they could show a fake prompt claiming the user's session has expired and requiring them to re-enter their login credentials. Unsuspecting users might provide their login credentials, which would be transmitted to the attacker, potentially allowing unauthorized access to the user's account.


To mitigate the risk associated with CVE-2023-4901, all Google Chrome users should ensure they are using the latest version of the browser (117..5938.62 or later). This version contains a fix for the vulnerability and eliminates the risk of spoofed security UI. Keeping your browser and other software up-to-date is essential for maintaining a secure digital environment.


Published on: 09/12/2023 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/19/2023 05:17:00 UTC