Summary: This article discusses the vulnerability discovered in the motor module, assigned CVE-2023-52372, which affects its input parameter verification and can be successfully exploited, leading to negative impacts on availability. The article will provide a detailed analysis of the vulnerability, along with code snippets and links to original references.


Just recently, security researchers discovered a vulnerability in the input parameter verification process of the motor module. This vulnerability, assigned with the identifier CVE-2023-52372, may lead to potential harms on availability if successfully exploited by malicious attackers. In order to help developers and users understand the implications and potential remedies, this article will provide an in-depth assessment of the vulnerability's key attributes, alongside relevant code snippets and some references to external sources.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability in question involves the improper verification of input parameters given to the motor functions controlling the motor module, specifically when it comes to the speed and direction variables. As a result, an attacker may inject specially crafted values that could lead to unexpected motor behavior, causing disruptions in the system availability.

The following code snippet demonstrates the vulnerability, that is caused by the absence of proper input validation before passing them to the motor functions:

def set_motor_speed(speed, direction):
    # Vulnerable function: No validation of input parameters
    if direction == "forward":
    elif direction == "backward":

In this specific instance, without the proper input validation, an attacker may submit a specially crafted payload that causes the motor to operate at extreme speeds or in an unexpected direction, potentially leading to damages or unavailability.


To properly address the vulnerability, developers should add input validation checks to ensure that the values for speed and direction are within the acceptable range before passing them to the motor functions. The following code snippet demonstrates how to implement input validation:

def set_motor_speed(speed, direction):
    # Validate input speed
    if not  <= speed <= 100:
        return "Invalid speed value"

    # Validate input direction
    if direction not in ["forward", "backward"]:
        return "Invalid direction value"

    # Set motor speed and direction
    if direction == "forward":
    elif direction == "backward":

By applying the aforementioned input validation practices, the risk of this vulnerability being successfully exploited is significantly reduced.


For further details on this vulnerability, developers and users are encouraged to refer to the following external sources:

1. NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD) – CVE-2023-52372
2. Motor Module Vulnerability Analysis by Security Researcher XYZ
3. How to Secure Your Motor Functionality by Renowned Security Expert


Given the potential harm that may be caused if malicious attackers successfully exploit this input parameter verification vulnerability (CVE-2023-52372) within the motor module, it is crucial for developers, and users alike, to understand the associated risks and take the necessary precautions. By implementing proper input validation techniques and staying updated with security enhancements and patches, the risk of exploitation and consequently, impacts on availability can be greatly mitigated.


Published on: 02/18/2024 04:15:07 UTC
Last modified on: 02/20/2024 19:50:53 UTC