In the world of Linux kernel engineering, keeping the kernel secure and up to date is the top priority of developers worldwide. One such vulnerability that needed resolution was the issue of a malicious user attempting to corrupt a spilled pointer in the BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) subsystem of the Linux kernel. This vulnerability has a CVE ID of CVE-2023-52462, and we'll dive into the details of this fix, including code snippets, links to the original references, and exploit specifics. Stay tuned!


For those unfamiliar with the BPF kernel subsystem, it primarily serves for packet filtering and advanced system tracing purposes, on top of its ability to run sandboxed user-space programs within the kernel. Spilled pointers occur when the kernel runs out of registers to hold all of its active data, and the content of the register is "spilled" onto the kernel's stack memory for better performance.

The Vulnerability

The crux of the vulnerability is that when a register is spilled onto a stack as a 1/2/4-byte register, it could potentially corrupt the memory address it spills onto. Attackers could leverage this corruption in various ways, including privilege escalation, data leakage or merely disrupting the system stability. The original issue was the incorrect instantiation of the slot_type within the BPF kernel codebase. The correct implementation should reference slot_type[7] instead of slot_type[] to check whether a stack slot contains a spilled register, which resulted in exposing the vulnerability.

The Fix

The developers have come up with a neat and straightforward solution to avoid such issues in the future. By employing an is_spilled_reg() helper function, we can now accurately determine whether a register has been spilled without having to remember and double-check the slot_type index manually. Here's a quick example of how to use this helper function in code:

if (is_spilled_reg(slot_type)) {
    /* Handle the spilled register appropriately */

1. CVE Announcement:
2. Kernel Patch Commit: (Note: This is a placeholder link until the actual commit is available)

As mentioned earlier, an attacker can leverage this vulnerability in various ways

1. Privilege escalation: By corrupting the spilled pointer, an attacker could modify the kernel's access control structures, potentially granting themselves elevated privileges in the system.
2. Data leakage: The attacker could use the corrupted memory addresses to leak sensitive data stored within the kernel, leading to information disclosure.
3. System stability disruption: By corrupting the kernel memory, an attacker could cause system instability or even crash the system entirely.

However, due to the rapid response and fix provided by the Linux kernel developers, users can rest assured knowing that this vulnerability will no longer pose an issue in future kernel releases.


CVE-2023-52462 serves as an essential reminder of the ongoing effort to identify and fix vulnerabilities within the Linux kernel. Thanks to the diligent developers, users can update their systems and protect themselves from potential exploits leveraging this vulnerability. Remember to regularly update your systems, especially regarding kernel patching, to maintain the highest level of security and stability!


Published on: 02/23/2024 15:15:08 UTC
Last modified on: 04/17/2024 20:06:29 UTC