CVE-2023-5724: Understanding the Draw Call Crash Vulnerability in Firefox and Thunderbird, and How to Protect Your System

Driver glitches are a common concern in the world of software applications, and they sometimes come with potentially severe consequences. One such vulnerability that has recently been identified is CVE-2023-5724, affecting Firefox < 119, Firefox ESR < 115.4, and Thunderbird < 115.4.1. In this blog post, we'll dive into this vulnerability and provide information about its exploit, code samples, and original references to better understand and protect yourself from the potential risks.

Description of CVE-2023-5724

To put it simply, some drivers may not handle extremely large draw calls properly, which could lead to crashes in specific instances. This vulnerability predominantly affects users running Firefox < 119, Firefox ESR < 115.4, and Thunderbird < 115.4.1. As a result, when the problem occurs, an attacker could potentially exploit the crash scenario for their benefit.

Code Snippet

To better illustrate the issue, below is a code snippet that could potentially trigger the vulnerability:

function largeDrawCall() {
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  const NUM_RECTS = 100000;

  for (let i = ; i < NUM_RECTS; i++) {
    ctx.fillRect(Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width),
                 Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height),
                 1, 1);


In this code, we're creating a canvas object and running a loop that fills rectangles randomly onto the canvas. The loop iterates an arbitrarily large number, NUM_RECTS, which could create an excessive draw call scenario causing the affected drivers to crash.

For more information about CVE-2023-5724, refer to the following original sources

- Official Mozilla Security Advisory: Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2023-13
- National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Entry: CVE-2023-5724 Detail
- Mozilla Bug Tracker: Bugzilla - Bug 1740136

Exploit Details

It is important to learn about the exploitation of this security vulnerability to prevent potential risks. The attacker may craft a specially designed webpage that exploits the driver's inability to handle extremely large draw calls. When this webpage is loaded on a vulnerable browser, it could cause the driver to crash and potentially lead to further escalation of privileges or unauthorized access.

How to Protect Your System

To minimize the risk associated with CVE-2023-5724, it is highly recommended that you follow these steps:

1. Update your browser and mail client to the latest version. If you're using Firefox or Thunderbird, ensure that you're running versions 119 or later and 115.4.1 or later, respectively.
2. Enable automatic updates for your browser and mail client to keep your software up-to-date with any available security patches.
3. Be cautious of unsolicited web links in emails or other communication channels, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening unfamiliar files, as they could potentially trigger the exploit.


While CVE-2023-5724 is not the most critical security vulnerability to emerge in recent times, it still serves as a reminder that keeping your software applications updated is an essential step in maintaining the security of your system. By understanding this vulnerability, its exploit, and employing the necessary precautions, you can avoid the potential risks associated with this specific issue and protect your system from future threats.


Published on: 10/25/2023 18:17:44 UTC
Last modified on: 11/02/2023 20:17:36 UTC