A recently disclosed vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-0016, highlights a possible out of bounds read issue in various locations of the software due to a missing bounds check. Consequently, this could lead to paired device information disclosure without the need for additional execution privileges or user interaction for exploitation. This post provides a detailed explanation of the vulnerability, its effects, and how it can be exploited, as well as links to the original references for further analysis.

Code Snippet

Here's a simple code snippet demonstrating the vulnerability and its potential consequences.

#include <stdio.h>

void processData(char *data, int dataSize) {
    // Some processing code here...

    // Missing bounds check before using the data.
    for(int i = ; i < dataSize; i++) {
        // Out of bounds read may happen here because the dataSize is not validated.
        printf("%c\n", data[i]);

int main() {
    // This should usually be read from the software, but for demonstration purposes we use a hardcoded size.
    int dataSize = 512;
    char data[dataSize];

    // Reading paired device information.
    // In reality, this would be read from the software/device, but for demonstration purposes we just fill the array.
    for(int i = ; i < dataSize; i++) {
        data[i] = 'A';

    // Vulnerable processData function call with no bounds check.
    processData(data, dataSize + 10);

    return ;

Exploit Details

The vulnerability exists because the software fails to properly validate the size of the involved data. This lack of bounds checking allows the software to read memory contents located outside of the expected bounds, potentially exposing sensitive data about the paired devices.

To exploit this issue, an attacker could craft malicious data that is improperly processed by the software or device, subsequently leading to the unauthorized disclosure of paired device information. Given that user interaction is not required for exploitation, it would be particularly easy for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability in automated and widespread attack campaigns.

- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-0016
- https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-0016


In summary, CVE-2024-0016 reflects a dangerous weakness in multiple software systems and devices. The missing bounds check could lead to out-of-bounds read issues, potentially disclosing sensitive information about paired devices without the need for user interaction or additional execution privileges. Software developers and device manufacturers should take immediate action to address and patch the vulnerability to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data and protect users from potential exploits.


Published on: 02/16/2024 20:15:47 UTC
Last modified on: 02/16/2024 21:39:50 UTC