CVE-2024-0759 is a recently discovered vulnerability within the AnythingLLM system when it is hosted on an internal network. This vulnerability allows an attacker, who has been granted manager or admin-level permissions, to link-scrape internally and resolve IPs of other services on the same network. Although the risk appears to be mitigated by the need for explicit permission levels and the inability to /* range, the potential for brute forcing IPs still poses a notable security concern. This article will provide a detailed analysis of this vulnerability, including code snippets, original references, and an overview of exploit details.

Below is a simple Python script illustrating a basic attempt to exploit this vulnerability

import requests
import json

target_url = "http://10.../AnythingLLM/";
permission_level = "admin"
internal_ips = ["10...1", "10...2", "10...3"]

# Function to scrape internal links using the provided internal IPs
def link_scrape(internal_ips, target_url, permission_level):
    for ip in internal_ips:
            response = requests.get(target_url + ip, headers={"X-Permission-Level": permission_level})
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print(f"Accessible internal IP: {ip}")
                print(f"Response: {json.loads(response.text)}")
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")
# Execute the link-scraping function
link_scrape(internal_ips, target_url, permission_level)

Original References

1. National Vulnerability Database (NVD):
2. Exploit Database:
3. Vendor Security Advisory:

Exploit Details

The key to exploiting CVE-2024-0759 lies in the combination of hosting an instance of AnythingLLM on an internal network while also granting the attacker explicit permission levels of manager or admin. This vulnerability can then be exploited in a multi-step process:

- First, the attacker requires access to internal IPs. While the vulnerability does not allow for /* ranging, this could potentially be achieved through brute force means. Alternatively, the attacker might simply try guessing or using social engineering tactics to obtain these IPs.

- Once the attacker has access to internal IPs, they can then link-scrape the internal network through a tool such as CuRL or the provided Python script above. This would require sending GET requests to the target URLs constructed from the internal IPs in question.

- Importantly, the attacker would not be able to set headers or access the link collector in this process, which can limit the level of authentication and information obtained through this vulnerability. Nonetheless, the attacker would still resolve IPs of other services on the same network in cases where those services are accessible using simple GET requests.


CVE-2024-0759 is a notable vulnerability in the AnythingLLM system when hosted on internal networks. Although mitigated by factors such as explicit permission levels and the requirement for guessing internal IPs, this security risk still poses a significant challenge for protecting private network assets. Organizations hosting instances of AnythingLLM should remain vigilant in their duty of care to minimize this vulnerability's potential impact, ensuring that services on the same network are not fully open and accessible via simple GET requests with zero authentication.


Published on: 02/27/2024 06:15:45 UTC
Last modified on: 03/07/2024 20:15:50 UTC