In an exclusive scoop, we bring to your attention a previously unknown security vulnerability in the popular web browser Microsoft Edge, which is based on the Chromium project. Its formal designation is CVE-2024-21336, and it pertains to a spoofing vulnerability that malicious actors can exploit to deceive unsuspecting users.

What is Spoofing?

Spoofing refers to any attack where a malicious party disguises themselves as another entity. In the context of web browsers, such as Edge, spoofing often involves fake websites designed to closely resemble their legitimate counterparts. This duplicitous imitation lures users into providing sensitive data to the attackers, such as login credentials, and other personal information.

Where is the Exploit?

The CVE-2024-21336 vulnerability exists within the way Microsoft Edge processes certain web pages, allowing malicious parties to present content that seems to come from a trusted source. In particular, it has been observed that the malicious exploit could allow an attacker to impersonate an SSL/TLS-secured website with an authentic-looking SSL certificate.

Code Snippet

Below is a snippet of code to demonstrate how the exploit might affect the header of an HTML document that seems to be securely served over HTTPS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Legitimate Website</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- Begin vulnerable code -->
        (function() {
            // Exploiting the CVE-2024-21336 vulnerability
            document.getElementById('redirect').onclick = function() {
                window.location = '';
    <!-- End vulnerable code -->

In this example, when a user clicks on a seemingly innocuous link (labeled "redirect"), they are instantly redirected to a phishing site on, which takes advantage of the CVE-2024-21336 vulnerability to present a spoofed SSL certificate that appears genuine.

The CVE-2024-21336 vulnerability has only recently been disclosed, and we have not yet found any substantial public discussions. However, there are two essential sites to bookmark for developments:

1. The National Vulnerability Database ( - This official government resource will provide a central point for updates surrounding the vulnerability.
2. The Chromium Project ( - Given this vulnerability affects not just Edge, but other Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome and Brave, the Chromium Project will likely have pertinent information on possible solutions and mitigations.

Until patches are made available, it is crucial you exercise caution when visiting any seemingly secure websites. Keep an eye out for updates on CVE-2024-21336, and reach out to your web browser support team if you suspect that you have fallen victim to a spoofing attack based on this exploit.


Published on: 01/26/2024 18:15:12 UTC
Last modified on: 01/31/2024 21:08:30 UTC