In today's digital world, security vulnerabilities and exploits are significant concerns for developers and users alike. Among these vulnerabilities, buffer overflows remain a notorious issue that can lead to system crashes, data corruption, or worse, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code on the target system.

This long-read post will delve into CVE-2024-21802, a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in the GGUF library's info->ne functionality of the llama.cpp Commit 18c2e17. We'll cover the basic concepts, exploit details, and provide an example of a code snippet for understanding how the exploit works. Additionally, we'll offer links to original references so you can further explore and protect yourself.

Vulnerability Overview

CVE-2024-21802 is a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability found in the GGUF library's info->ne functionality in llama.cpp at Commit 18c2e17. The vulnerability occurs due to improper handling of malicious .gguf files, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system.

The heap-based buffer overflow arises when a specially crafted .gguf file is parsed by the GGUF library, leading to an overflow in the heap memory allocation. This can result in memory corruption, an application crash, or even remote code execution by an attacker.

Exploit Details

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would create a malicious .gguf file containing crafted data that would overflow the heap buffer when parsed by the GGUF library. The attacker could then deliver the malicious file through social engineering, phishing, or other methods to the target victim. Once the target opens the .gguf file, the vulnerability is triggered, causing the exploit to execute and complete the attacker's intended action on the system.

Here's a basic code snippet demonstrating the buffer overflow vulnerability

void vulnerable_function(char *input) {
    char buffer[256];
    strcpy(buffer, input); // <- buffer overflow here

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <input_file>\n", argv[]);
        return 1;

    FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening input file %s\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

    char input[1024];
    fread(input, sizeof(char), sizeof(input), fp);


    return ;

In this example, the vulnerable_function() function uses the strcpy() function to copy the contents of a malicious .gguf file into a buffer with a fixed size of 256 bytes. This can cause a buffer overflow when the input is larger than the allocated buffer, leading to memory corruption or code execution.

Original References

To further explore this vulnerability and understand how to safeguard against potential attacks, we recommend you refer to the following links:

1. CVE-2024-21802: Official CVE listing
2. Commit 18c2e17: Original code commit
3. GGUF Library: Official GGUF library/documentation


CVE-2024-21802 is an acute security vulnerability that highlights the importance of secure coding practices and thorough code review. Developers and users must remain vigilant to address and mitigate such threats and ensure the integrity and security of their systems.

As a user, always be cautious of unknown file sources and maintain updated security software to detect and prevent such exploits. As a developer, it's essential to follow best practices, employ code review and analysis, and apply patches promptly to avoid potential security issues. By understanding the implications of vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-21802, you can strive for a more secure digital world.


Published on: 02/26/2024 16:27:55 UTC
Last modified on: 02/26/2024 18:15:07 UTC