Recently, a security vulnerability has been detected in the Apache Camel CassandraQL Component AggregationRepository that deals with deserialization of untrusted data. This vulnerability, CVE-2024-23114, has the potential to allow attackers to deserialize malicious payloads under certain conditions. This issue affects Apache Camel versions 3.. - 3.21.4, 3.22. - 3.22.1, 4.. - 4..4, and 4.1. - 4.4..

To mitigate this issue, users are advised to upgrade to the latest version, 4.4., or 4..4 if using the 4..x LTS release stream. Users on 3.x should move to 3.21.4 or 3.22.1.

Original References

1. Apache Camel Security Advisory
2. CVE-2024-23114 Vulnerability Details

Exploit Details

The Apache Camel CassandraQL Component AggregationRepository is vulnerable to unsafe deserialization due to the way it handles data from untrusted sources. Attackers can craft a malicious Serialization Input payload to exploit this vulnerability, leading to arbitrary code execution, denial of service, or information disclosure.

Code Snippet demonstrating the vulnerability

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.component.cassandra.CassandraAggregationRepository;
import org.apache.camel.model.dataformat.SerializationDataFormat;

public class CamelCVE202423114Exploit {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create an instance of the Apache Camel CassandraQL Component with the vulnerable configuration
    CassandraAggregationRepository repo = new CassandraAggregationRepository();

    // ... other configurations and setup for the Component ...

    // Create the RouteBuilder instance to build the route using the vulnerable Apache Camel component
    RouteBuilder routeBuilder = new RouteBuilder() {

      public void configure() {

        // Configure the route to use the insecure deserialization with the malicious payload
          .unmarshal(new SerializationDataFormat()) // Deserialize the untrusted data
          .to("cassandraql://url-to-exploit") // Send the deserialized data to the CassandraQL component
          .aggregate(repo); // Use the vulnerable CassandraAggregationRepository

Mitigating the Vulnerability

As Apache Camel versions 3.. - 3.21.4, 3.22. - 3.22.1, 4.. - 4..4, and 4.1. - 4.4. are affected by this vulnerability, it is essential to upgrade your Apache Camel version to the latest release. If users are on the 4..x LTS release stream, then they should upgrade to 4..4. If users are on 3.x, they should move to 3.21.4 or 3.22.1.

In addition, developers should ensure they employ secure coding practices when handling untrusted data, use a strong input validation, and follow the Apache Camel Security Guidelines.


CVE-2024-23114 exposes the Apache Camel CassandraQL Component AggregationRepository to unsafe deserialization of untrusted data. Users should upgrade their Apache Camel version to the latest release, and ensure that their applications follow secure coding practices to prevent possible exploitation.


Published on: 02/20/2024 15:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 02/20/2024 19:50:53 UTC