Suricata is a well-known network Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Network Security Monitoring (NSM) engine. It is designed to detect and prevent unauthorized access to networks by examining and monitoring incoming and outgoing web traffic. In this blog post, we will discuss CVE-2024-24568, a security vulnerability that affects Suricata versions prior to 7..3. This vulnerability enables an attacker to bypass the rules that inspect HTTP2 headers by exploiting crafted traffic.

CVE-2024-24568 - Detailed Explanation

CVE-2024-24568 is a security flaw that impacts Suricata versions prior to 7..3. The vulnerability allows attackers to evade the HTTP2 inspection rules by crafting malicious traffic. This means that the attackers could potentially infiltrate networks and bypass the security measures implemented by Suricata.

The vulnerability arises from an issue in Suricata's HTTP2 inspection code. The affected versions of Suricata fail to adequately check and interpret HTTP2 headers. As a result, the crafted traffic is able to bypass the inspection rules, leading to a successful intrusion into the network.

Code Snippet

To better understand how an attacker could take advantage of this vulnerability, let's consider the following simple example:

GET /index.html HTTP/2.
User-Agent: Malicious-Agent

In this example, if the attacker crafts the HTTP2 request with a malicious user agent, the vulnerable Suricata version would not be able to inspect the traffic correctly. Consequently, the traffic would be treated as legitimate, allowing the attacker to infiltrate the network.

Vulnerability Patch & Update

The developers of Suricata have recognized this vulnerability and have released an updated version of the software, specifically version 7..3, that addresses CVE-2024-24568. It is highly recommended that users of the affected versions of Suricata update to version 7..3 in order to mitigate the risks posed by this vulnerability. The latest version of Suricata can be downloaded from the following link:

You can also update your Suricata version via the package manager or updating system of your OS. Make sure to verify the update has been properly applied by checking your Suricata version with the following command:

suricata --version

If the output of this command indicates version 7..3 or later, you are no longer affected by this vulnerability.


CVE-2024-24568 is a critical security vulnerability in Suricata's HTTP2 header inspection capability. The vulnerability enables an attacker to bypass the security measures by utilizing crafted traffic, potentially leading to a successful intrusion attempt. To mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, it is recommended that users of affected Suricata versions update their software to version 7..3 or later.

By taking the appropriate measures and staying up-to-date on the latest patches, network administrators can ensure the continued security of their networks and protect against intrusions.

[1] Suricata Official Website -

[2] CVE-2024-24568 at CVE Details -

[3] Suricata Github Repository -


Published on: 02/26/2024 16:27:58 UTC
Last modified on: 02/26/2024 16:32:25 UTC