A high-risk SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerability has been discovered in the Niushop B2B2C V5 ecommerce platform. This vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-25248, allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands by exploiting the order_id parameter in the vulnerable orderGoodsDelivery() function, ultimately gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data and possibly compromising the security and integrity of the affected application and database. This long read post will delve into the specifics of this vulnerability, provide code snippets, link to original sources, and discuss effective exploit techniques.

Vulnerability Details

The SQL Injection vulnerability identified in the Niushop B2B2C V5 ecommerce platform exists within the orderGoodsDelivery() function. This function processes requests when customers place new orders and initiates the product delivery process. However, due to improper input validation and query parameterization, the order_id parameter is susceptible to malicious SQL commands, allowing an attacker to gain unauthorized access to critical business data.

Affected Platform and Version

The vulnerability is known to affect the latest version of the Niushop B2B2C V5 ecommerce platform. It is unclear whether previous versions are vulnerable as well.

The following code snippet is taken from the vulnerable orderGoodsDelivery() function

public function orderGoodsDelivery($order_id){
    // Get order details
    $order_info = $this->getOrderInfo($order_id);
    // Build SQL query for delivery process
    $sql = "UPDATE ns_order_goods SET delivery_status = 1 WHERE order_id = $order_id";
    $result = $this->query($sql);
    // Return the result
    return $result;

As demonstrated in the code snippet above, the $order_id parameter is directly used in an SQL query without proper validation or parameterization. As a result, an attacker can exploit this vulnerability by passing a specially crafted string for the order_id parameter, which would result in arbitrary SQL command execution.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

To exploit the CVE-2024-25248 SQL Injection vulnerability, an attacker can craft a malicious request containing an attack payload for the order_id parameter. The payload would include SQL commands designed to manipulate the query and extract sensitive data from the database or perform other nefarious actions.

Example exploit payload

order_id=1; DROP TABLE users; --

This payload will append and execute a DROP TABLE command that will delete the users table from the database, resulting in catastrophic data loss and potential business disruption.

Mitigation and Prevention

To mitigate and prevent the exploitation of the SQL Injection vulnerability in the orderGoodsDelivery() function, developers must implement proper input validation and query parameterization techniques.

Input validation should be employed to sanitize and limit the accepted input for the order_id parameter. For example, only allowing numeric values and restricting the length of the input can drastically reduce the attack surface.

Furthermore, prepared statements (parameterized queries) should be used to separate the SQL code from the input data, effectively eliminating the possibility of SQL Injection.

Here's an example of a revised orderGoodsDelivery() function implementing proper input validation and query parameterization:

public function orderGoodsDelivery($order_id){
    // Validate input - only accept numeric values
    if (!is_numeric($order_id)){
        throw new InvalidParameterException('Invalid order_id parameter');
    // Get order details
    $order_info = $this->getOrderInfo($order_id);
    // Build and execute a parameterized SQL query
    $stmt = $this->prepare("UPDATE ns_order_goods SET delivery_status = 1 WHERE order_id = ?");
    $stmt->bind_param("i", $order_id);
    $result = $stmt->execute();
    // Return the result
    return $result;

By implementing this revised version of the orderGoodsDelivery() function, affected Niushop B2B2C V5 installations can protect themselves against CVE-2024-25248 and related SQL Injection attacks.


The SQL Injection vulnerability in the orderGoodsDelivery() function of Niushop B2B2C V5, identified as CVE-2024-25248, poses a significant risk to affected installations of the ecommerce platform. Unauthorized access to sensitive data and potential disruptions to business operations can result from successful exploitation. Developers and administrators of Niushop B2B2C V5 must implement proper input validation, prepared statements, and query parameterization techniques to mitigate and prevent this security risk.


1. Niushop B2B2C V5 Official Website: https://www.niushop.com.cn/
2. CVE-2024-25248 on the National Vulnerability Database (NVD): https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-25248
3. OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet: https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html


Published on: 02/26/2024 22:15:07 UTC
Last modified on: 02/27/2024 14:20:06 UTC