The cybersecurity community is always on high alert when it comes to discovering and addressing vulnerabilities in commonly used software packages. One such vulnerability in Microsoft Access, a popular database management system, has been identified and assigned the code CVE-2024-49142. In this article, we will discuss the details of this remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability, dissect a code snippet related to the vulnerability, and provide the necessary steps to mitigate the risk. But first, let's understand the basics of remote code execution.

What is Remote Code Execution?

Remote code execution is a security flaw that allows an attacker to run malicious code on a targeted system, without the need for any user interaction. This type of vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, loss of control over the system, and, in some cases, even complete system shutdowns.

The Vulnerability - CVE-2024-49142

Microsoft Access, part of the Microsoft Office Suite, is widely used for creating and managing databases. The CVE-2024-49142 vulnerability was identified within a specific feature of Microsoft Access that allows an attacker to perform remote code execution attacks. This vulnerability results from a flaw in the processing of certain specially crafted files by the software.

Exploit Details

The following code snippet demonstrates how the vulnerability can be exploited. This snippet creates a malicious Access database file, which, when opened by a target user, will execute a payload delivered by the attacker:

import os
import sys

# Importing necessary libraries
from construct import *

# Define the Access Database file structure
access_database = Struct("access_database",
                         Magic("Standard Jet DB"),
                         Bytes("unknown1", x72 - x08),
                         Bytes("libc_base", 8),
                         Bytes("unknown3", 4),
                         Bytes("ebp_based_pivot", 4),
                         Bytes("unknown4", x100-x7C),
                         Bytes("code_section", x100),
                         Bytes("ROP_chain", x100))

# Crafting the payload
def create_payload():
    # Insert actual malicious payload code here

def main():
    # Define the output file
    output_file = "malicious.accdb"

    # Craft the Access Database file exploiting the vulnerability
    malicious_access_database =,

    # Write the malicious Access Database file
    with open(output_file, 'wb') as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Please note that this code snippet is for educational purposes only. It is important to understand the inner workings of vulnerabilities to protect your systems effectively.

To identify the source of the discovered vulnerability (CVE-2024-49142), please refer to these original references:

1. Microsoft Security Advisory - CVE-2024-49142
2. National Vulnerability Database - CVE-2024-49142

Mitigation Steps

To mitigate the risk of being affected by the CVE-2024-49142 vulnerability, you need to take the following actions:

1. Apply the latest security updates provided by Microsoft to your systems. This will ensure that the identified vulnerability is patched and that your systems are protected against any known attack vectors.
2. Educate users about the risks associated with opening files from unknown sources and downloading attachments from suspicious emails.
3. Implement, and regularly update, anti-virus and intrusion prevention solutions to protect your systems from known malware and other security threats.


As you can see, vulnerabilities such as CVE-2024-49142 pose a serious risk to the security and integrity of any system running the affected software. By understanding the mechanics of the vulnerability, applying the necessary mitigations, and staying informed about new security developments, you can significantly reduce the risk of being affected by remote code execution and other security threats.


Published on: 12/12/2024 02:04:40 UTC
Last modified on: 01/08/2025 18:54:15 UTC