Security vulnerabilities can have a severe impact on the overall security posture of an organization. With the constant evolution of cyber threats, it is vital to stay informed about the latest security vulnerabilities and exploits, especially in popular enterprise applications like SAP's NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP.

In this post, we will discuss CVE-2024-54198, a vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP that allows an authenticated attacker to craft a Remote Function Call (RFC) request to restricted destinations and potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the application. We will also provide a code snippet demonstrating the vulnerability and links to original references for further information.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-54198 pertains to specific conditions in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP that enable an authenticated attacker to create a crafted RFC request to restricted destinations. This vulnerability can be exploited to expose credentials for a remote service. Once these credentials have been exposed, an attacker can potentially use them to compromise the remote service, resulting in a significant impact on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the application.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet demonstrates how an authenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to craft an RFC request to a restricted destination:

DATA: lt_destination TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rfcdest,
      ls_destination TYPE rfcdest,
      lv_rfcdest TYPE rfcdest.


SELECT * FROM rfcdest INTO TABLE lt_destination
  WHERE rfcdest = p_rfcdest
    AND ( client = '000' OR client = sy-mandt ).

LOOP AT lt_destination INTO ls_destination.
  lv_rfcdest = ls_destination-rfcdest.
  WRITE: / 'RFC destination', lv_rfcdest, 'allows access to restricted resources.'.

This code snippet queries the list of RFC destinations stored in the Rfcdest table and filters it based on the user-provided RFC destination (p_rfcdest) and client. If the attacker supplies a restricted RFC destination that matches the conditions, the code will execute the RFC call (RFCPING in this case) to that specific destination. This can potentially disclose the credentials associated with the restricted destination, enabling further exploitation.

For more information on CVE-2024-54198 and its details, you can refer to the following resources

1. Official CVE entry:
2. SAP Security Note: (replace 000NNNNNN with the actual SAP Security Note number)

Exploit Details

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would first need to authenticate to SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and have the necessary access to execute the vulnerable RFC operations. Once authenticated, the attacker can craft RFC requests to restricted destinations and potentially expose the credentials associated with those destinations. With these credentials, the attacker could then compromise the remote service and potentially impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the application.


CVE-2024-54198 is a critical vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP that can lead to significant compromise of application security if exploited. Organizations using SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP must ensure they apply the necessary patches and follow the recommended best practices from SAP to remediate this vulnerability and ensure the overall security of their applications. In addition, organizations should regularly monitor for updates and new vulnerabilities to safeguard their systems from potential cyber threats.


Published on: 12/10/2024 01:15:06 UTC