When updating, be sure to check the version of TYPO3 installed on the server and don’t forget to restart all running services. If you are using a version below 10.4.32 or 11.5.16, there is no way to fix this. You’ll have to upgrade to one of the above versions to be safe. During the upgrade it’s a good idea to disable the use of f:asset.css view helpers by creating a new empty file and adding the following code to this file: ``` ? if(!TYPO3.TYPO3_ENV.IS_TYPO3_OR_PMS) { TYPO3.TYPO3_ENV.HANDLER_CSS = 'Views/Helper/CSS/File.css'; } ?>

Apache & nginx

If you have Apache, nginx, or any other web server that supports FastCGI, it can be used for the TYPO3 CMS.


Published on: 09/13/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/16/2022 14:25:00 UTC
