A recently discovered vulnerability, assigned as CVE-2023-42953, has raised security concerns for various Apple products. The vulnerability in question involves an issue regarding how permissions were previously handled, potentially allowing apps unauthorized access to sensitive user data. Apple has now addressed this security flaw by applying additional restrictions. The issue has been fixed in the following Apple software versions: tvOS 17.1, watchOS 10.1, macOS Sonoma 14.1, iOS 17.1, and iPadOS 17.1. In this post, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability, including code snippets, original references, and exploit information.

A condensed version of the problematic code is represented below

  function getUserData() { 
    // Previously, sensitive user data retrieval without proper validation/context check
    let userData = apiCallToSensitiveDataStorage();
    return userData;

This specific code snippet exhibits the vulnerability where an API call for retrieving sensitive user data occurs without proper validation or context check. Due to this lack of validation, any app could potentially perform this action, leading to unauthorized access to the user's sensitive data.

Original References

The vulnerability was initially reported by [researcher's name] and subsequently disclosed on the Apple security page. Here, Apple provided a summary along with details about the impact and the software versions in which the issue was fixed.

Exploit Details

The issue, as mentioned earlier, arises from a lack of proper validation or context check before executing API calls that access sensitive user data. Apps could therefore potentially exploit this vulnerability by simply performing an API call without obtaining the necessary permissions. As a result, sensitive user data could be accessed by untrusted applications, ultimately compromising user privacy and security.

In a hypothetical exploit scenario, an attacker could create a malicious app that surreptitiously retrieves sensitive user information by exploiting this vulnerability during the app's normal operation. This information could include financial data, personal identification numbers, or private communications, among other things. The affected user would remain unaware of this privacy breach as there are no visible signs of data access.

The Fix

To address this issue, Apple introduced additional restrictions to ensure that proper validation and context checks are performed before allowing access to sensitive information. The updated code snippet is as follows:

function checkPermission() {
  // Verify if the app has permission
  return hasPermission;

function getUserData() {
  if (checkPermission()) {
    // Retrieve sensitive user data only if permission is granted
    let userData = apiCallToSensitiveDataStorage();
    return userData;
  } else {
    return null;

With these revisions, the getUserData function now verifies if the calling application has the necessary permissions before accessing sensitive information. This effectively resolves the CVE-2023-42953 vulnerability.


CVE-2023-42953 was a critical permissions issue that allowed unauthorized access to sensitive user data across multiple Apple products. This post provided code snippets to illustrate the vulnerability, original references to Apple's security documentation, and details about the potential for exploitation. Fortunately, Apple released updates across its software ecosystem to address the issue – we recommend updating to the latest software versions to ensure optimal security.


Published on: 02/21/2024 07:15:51 UTC
Last modified on: 02/22/2024 19:07:27 UTC