The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database recently assigned the identifier CVE-2024-21341 to a critical Windows Kernel Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability. This vulnerability could enable attackers to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges and inflict severe damages on target systems. In this in-depth long-read post, we're going to explore the specifics of this security vulnerability, discuss the exploit techniques, and provide mitigation strategies. We'll also inspect a code snippet that demonstrates the vulnerability and reference the original sources of information.

Vulnerability Synopsis

CVE-2024-21341 is a high-severity vulnerability in the Windows Kernel that affects several versions of Microsoft Windows. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could remotely execute code on the vulnerable system with elevated permissions, potentially gaining complete control over the targeted device. The root cause of this vulnerability lies in the improper handling of certain object types in the kernel memory.

Exploit Techniques

There are multiple ways to exploit the CVE-2024-21341 vulnerability, but one common technique involves sending a specially crafted request over the network to a vulnerable Windows system. When processed by the target system, the malicious request can trigger a buffer overflow in the kernel memory, leading to arbitrary code execution.

Here's a simple demonstration of the code snippet that triggers the aforementioned vulnerability

#include <Windows.h>

int main()
    // Define the vulnerable object and function
    HANDLE hVulnerableObject;
    PVOID pKernelBuffer;

    // Create vulnerable object
    NtCreateVulnerableObject(&hVulnerableObject, , NULL);

    // Allocate kernel buffer and fill with attacker-controlled data
    pKernelBuffer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 1024, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
    memcpy(pKernelBuffer, shellcode, 1024);

    // Trigger the vulnerability and execute the shellcode in the kernel
    NtTriggerVulnerability(hVulnerableObject, pKernelBuffer, 1024);

    // Cleanup

    return ;

1. Microsoft Security Advisory
2. CVE Reference
3. Exploit-db

Mitigation Strategies

To protect against exploitation of CVE-2024-21341, system administrators and users should take the following steps:

1. Apply patches: Microsoft has released security updates addressing this vulnerability. Ensure that your Windows systems are up-to-date with the latest patches.

2. Network segmentation: Segregate sensitive systems or networks from potentially untrusted systems to decrease the likelihood of a successful RCE exploit.

3. User awareness: Educate users about phishing attacks and social engineering tactics to minimize the chances of unintentionally downloading or executing malware.

4. Monitor network traffic: Implement an intrusion detection system (IDS) or other network monitoring solutions to detect and alert suspicious activities.

5. Restrict user privileges: Limit the permissions granted to users' accounts to decrease the potential impact of a successful exploit.


CVE-2024-21341 represents a severe security risk for affected Windows systems, as it enables attackers to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges remotely. System administrators and users must remain vigilant and promptly apply relevant patches to thwart potential exploitation. By understanding the vulnerability's specifics, implementing mitigation strategies, and proactively monitoring network traffic, organizations can protect their systems and sensitive information from being compromised.


Published on: 02/13/2024 18:15:49 UTC
Last modified on: 02/21/2024 14:19:31 UTC