Flask-AppBuilder is a popular application development framework heavily used by web developers to create web applications easily, thanks to its flexibility and complete Python-Flask integration. However, the discovery of a security vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-25128, raises significant concerns for developers utilizing Flask-AppBuilder, as it allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to applications by exploiting the OpenID 2. authorization protocol. This post will provide an in-depth look into the vulnerability, including its exploit details, a code snippet demonstrating the issue, official references, and possible mitigation strategies.

Exploit Details

The CVE-2024-25128 vulnerability lies in Flask-AppBuilder's implementation of the OpenID 2. protocol when the authorization type is set to AUTH_TYPE AUTH_OID. This vulnerability allows an attacker to create a forged HTTP request pretending to be from a targeted user. The malicious request could deceive Flask-AppBuilder's backend into using any requested OpenID service, enabling an attacker to gain unauthorized privileges.

The attack becomes even more powerful and dangerous if the attacker deploys a custom OpenID service accessible by the backend. Flask-AppBuilder's improper handling of these requests may validate the custom OpenID service, granting unauthorized access to sensitive parts of the application.

It is important to note that this vulnerability is only exploitable when the application is using the OpenID 2. authorization protocol.

Code Snippet

The following example illustrates the vulnerability in a Flask-AppBuilder application using AUTH_TYPE AUTH_OID:

from flask_appbuilder import AppBuilder, SQLA
from flask_appbuilder.security.manager import AUTH_OID

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["FAB_AUTH_TYPE"] = AUTH_OID

db = SQLA(app)
app_builder = AppBuilder(app, db.session)

This code snippet sets up an application using Flask-AppBuilder with OpenID 2. authorization, making it vulnerable to the CVE-2024-25128 exploit.

- CVE-2024-25128 Official Documentation
- Flask-AppBuilder Security Advisory

Mitigation Strategy

To protect your Flask-AppBuilder application from the CVE-2024-25128 vulnerability, it is crucial to upgrade to version 4.3.11, which fixes the improper handling of OpenID 2. requests that led to unauthorized access. This can be done via pip, using the following command:

pip install Flask-AppBuilder==4.3.11

Optionally, you may consider switching from OpenID 2. to other authentication protocols like OAuth 2., SAML, or LDAP, which are not affected by the current vulnerability.


Flask-AppBuilder's CVE-2024-25128 security vulnerability should be a top priority for developers using the OpenID 2. authorization protocol in their applications. The upgrade to Flask-AppBuilder 4.3.11 ensures proper handling of OpenID requests, mitigates the risk of unauthorized access, and keeps your application secure. Stay on top of security updates and always prioritize the safety of your users and their data.


Published on: 02/29/2024 01:44:14 UTC
Last modified on: 02/29/2024 13:49:29 UTC