Minder is a Software Supply Chain Security Platform widely used by various organizations to maintain the security of their software supply chains by automating policies and remediation actions. However, a recent vulnerability has been discovered in Minder (version ..31 and earlier) that could allow an attacker to carry out a denial-of-service attack, causing the platform to malfunction in reporting and remediating security policies. This post discusses CVE-2024-27093, the potential exploit details, and provides links to the original references and the patch for this vulnerability.

Vulnerability Details

In version ..31 and earlier of Minder, it is possible for an attacker to register a repository with an invalid or differing upstream ID. This registration process will cause Minder to report the repository as registered but not remediate any future changes that conflict with the security policies. This is because the webhooks for the repository do not match any known repository in the Minder database.

When attempting to register a repository with a different repository ID, the registered provider must have admin access to the named repository, or a 404 error will result. Similarly, if the stored provider token does not have repository access, the remediations will not apply successfully. Lastly, it appears that reconciliation actions do not execute against repositories with this type of mismatch. This vulnerability primarily poses a potential denial-of-service threat to the software supply chain security.

Code Snippet

Suppose an attacker attempts to register a repository with a different repository ID than the valid one. The following code snippet demonstrates a simplified version of the registration process with a differing upstream ID:

minder.register_repository(provider, repo_id, 'new_upstream_id', webhook_url)

Exploit Details

By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could carry out a denial-of-service attack by registering a repository with a mismatched upstream ID. This would cause the Minder platform to report false information about the registered repository, failing to apply remediations and policies correctly.


This vulnerability has been patched in Minder version .20240226.1425+ref.53868a8. Users are strongly encouraged to update their Minder installations to this version or a newer one to safeguard against this vulnerability.

Original References

1. CVE-2024-27093: National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
2. Minder (GitHub): Minder Repository
3. Minder: Software Supply Chain Security Platform
4. Minder: Patch Release Notes (Version .20240226.1425+ref.53868a8)


CVE-2024-27093 is a significant vulnerability in the Minder Software Supply Chain Security Platform. It exposes users to potential denial-of-service attacks, misleading information about repository registrations, and lack of proper remediation and policy application. The vulnerability has been patched in version .20240226.1425+ref.53868a8, and it is crucial for users to update their installations to this version or a newer one to protect their software supply chains from any possible exploitation.


Published on: 02/26/2024 22:15:07 UTC
Last modified on: 02/27/2024 14:20:06 UTC