If this happens, make sure you are logging into the device using the credentials that are stored in the device’s memory. This is different from the password that you entered when setting up the device. If you are still having issues getting into the device, it may be due to a weak password. It is recommended to change the password to something more secure. The password is not stored on the server, but in the device’s memory. If you have enabled remote management of your Stride Field device through a supported third party management solution, such as Xively, then it is recommended to change the password before you update the firmware. This is due to the fact that the previous password will still be saved in the device’s memory, and if it matches the credentials that are now stored in the management solution, then it will result in a communication failure.

Check Stride Firmware Update Compatibility

It is important to check the firmware update compatibility of your Stride Field device before updating the device. The following are the requirements for firmware update compatibility:
- Stride Field devices must be running firmware version 20150913 or later
- Xively not supported, but third party management solutions, such as Xively, may be compatible

Stride Firmware Update Compatibility

Firmware Upgrade Failure

If you are unable to update the firmware of your Stride Field device, it is likely due to a weak password. If you have enabled remote management of your Stride Field device through a supported third party management solution, such as Xively, then it is recommended to change the password before you update the firmware. This is due to the fact that the previous password will still be saved in the device’s memory, and if it matches the credentials that are now stored in the management solution, then it will result in a communication failure.

Make StrideField Device Up-to-Date

If you are still having issues with logging into the device, it is recommended to upgrade the firmware. StrideField devices can be updated through a compatible management solution. The update process takes between 10-15 minutes.

What is Strobe?

Strobe is software that makes it possible for you to quickly and easily program your Strobe Field device. You can use it to manage your devices, including all of the settings on the device, and customize your device’s behaviors to suit your needs. It comes in three different versions: Free Software, Professional Software and Enterprise Software. The software is compatible with Windows 7+, Linux and Mac OS X 10.7.5+.


Published on: 08/31/2022 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/06/2022 22:08:00 UTC
