attack where a malicious user could inject malicious script code into the website via the website’s input parameters. If you are using this plugin on a website with this vulnerability, an attacker could potentially maliciously influence the plugin settings, leading to the security risk of a Denial of Service attack. WordPress plugin developers should always be careful when handling and sanitising user input, as improper input sanitisation and escaping can lead to security vulnerabilities for your users. You should upgrade to the latest version of this plugin as soon as possible. As with all released versions, plugin users should upgrade to the 5.1.1 version.

What else can you do to protect your website from this type of threat?

Upgrade to a more secure plugin

As the author of the plugin, you should upgrade to a more secure version of this plugin. The latest publically released version of this plugin is 5.1.1, which was released on November 18th, 2017.


WordPress plugins are helpful in many areas of your website and can provide a range of benefits to your website users. However, it is important to note that this plugin could lead to security vulnerabilities for your website's users. In particular, there is a vulnerability associated with parameter manipulation that could result in a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack or other malicious actions by malicious attackers.
To ensure the security of WordPress websites, you should take steps such as upgrading from this plugin to the latest version whenever possible and always make sure you are doing proper input sanitization and escaping when manipulating user input to avoid potential vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins like this one

Always validate user input

Validate user input with a whitelist approach. This will help to prevent you from accidentally accepting data that could cause a security vulnerability. For example, many WordPress plugins allow you to create custom CSS rules and use them within your site. This can lead to insecure settings like allowing any number of characters in the input parameter, which may be exploitable later on. You should validate these types of inputs with regular expressions to ensure that only one character is allowed per input parameter.

What else can you do to protect your website from this type of threat?

Always use strong passwords

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against attackers. Regardless of whether you are using a password strength checker like LastPass or a plugin like Akismet, you should always use strong passwords to protect your website from vulnerabilities like this one. It is possible that even with a strong password, the website could still be vulnerable to this type of attack if other vulnerabilities exist on the site (such as cross-site scripting).

Responsive Web Design

Web designers often use responsive web design to create websites that are accessible on multiple platforms, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Responsive web design enables website owners to create a single website that can be viewed on any device without needing for the website owner to make any adjustments. If you're interested in learning how to implement this type of design, many resources exist online - such as an article from Smashing Magazine - that you can use as a jumping point for your research.

What is the difference between responsive and adaptive design?

Be careful when handling user input

One way to protect a website from this type of threat is by sanitising user input. This means ensuring that the user input has been properly escaped and that you are then using it correctly in your code.
You should also make sure you are only using the plugin version, not an older version. You can check which version your website is running by visiting WP - Dashboard > Plugins.


Published on: 11/14/2022 15:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/16/2022 19:12:00 UTC
